OK: Grove sex offender files lawsuit against sheriff; seeking $1 million in damages

Source: fourstateshomepage.com 9/10/22

GROVE, Okla. – A Grove sex offender has filed a civil lawsuit seeking $1 million against a Kansas sheriff saying his “good reputation” was ruined after a social media site post alerted the public to the man’s activities.

Kirk William ____, 65, is being held in the Beaver County, Oklahoma jail on no bail on an application to revoke a suspended sentence.  He was taken into custody in Miami after a protective court hearing where he sought to have a relationship with a child.

____ filed the lawsuit in Kansas Federal Court on Sept. 2 against Danny Smith, Crawford County Sheriff and Lisa Lusker, Crawford County Court Clerk.

The lawsuit will be turned over to the Crawford County counselor.

Smith had no comment about the lawsuit.

Smith is accused of posting on a social media site photographs of ____ and his white corvette saying he was wanted for questioning by the Crawford County, Kansas Sheriff’s Office. In July, ____ was seen – wearing only underwear and a shirt – driving a white convertible Corvette and had contacted several male juveniles at a park in Cherokee, Kansas.  He allegedly gave them large bags of candy in exchange for the children telling him their home addresses.

____ is seeking $750,000 for the loss of his reputation “the most valuable thing a person has,” according to the 6-page complaint. 

He is also seeking $200,000 for extreme emotional stress from fear of threats and $50,000 in punitive damages, the complaint states.

____’s complaint against the sheriff states Smith posted “many false statements” and “asked if anyone has infor [information] or whereabouts of ____ ” to call the Crawford County Sheriff’s office.  ____also complained  Crawford County deputy Chris Hall came to ____’s Grove home which was prohibited because Hall crossed the state line, the complaint states.

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Hopefully they don’t claim immunity. Pay the man.

Any way you look at it, this is not balanced reporting. Constantly using, RSO instead of say, “Plaintiff, like they would with anyone else. His home value, income source and cars? What’s that got to do with anything? He’s guilty because he has nice cars…and he shouldn’t!!!

No excuse for the Social Media post. This is not ok. I’m guessing Social Media can serve official Police business. It is a great way to get the word out, with pictures. But this is too much! This could have got him killed.

Also, why am I reading this? This is not really News, this is just sensationalism, with some propaganda value for the registry. If he wins his case, that might be news. This is just isn’t.

Remember, the registry thrives on failure! Win or loose this case, the reg just got another reason to… they’ll think of something.

So this proves even Offenders can be opportunistic. The guy made his own reputation, he doesn’t need to blame the law for publicizing it. In my opinion he is just looking for free money. He has history of what they are charging him with. Sorry, but at some point an offender is just that, an offender.

Last edited 1 year ago by Along for the ride

I hope he wins!

It’s rather concerning that this individual has filed court documents arguing that parents should not be allowed “the sole purpose in choosing who the victim* can be friends with or date,” according to court papers filed by Owen.
Court documents show Owen sent text messages to the victim’s family saying “he “would be a great role model” and the child* “would benefit from his “experiences and wisdom.”

*11 year old child. 😬🤔

This is simply odd. The boy in question is, apparently, unrelated to Mr. Owen.
Does he expected his petition will be successful??
Does he believe any judge would grant him ……what exactly?? Visitation rights??
Occasional custody??
Allowance to “date” the boy??

😬 SMH 😬

Strikes as another story where some facts are ignored and others exaggerated.

But really? Bags of candy??
The “lost puppy” routine wasn’t working?
😒 SMH 😒
It’s disturbing because it sounds like he is lacking common sense and personal awareness. 🤔

He purposely wrote all that crazy shit to piss the parents off, this guy has the time and the money to get revenge on a local law-enforcement and the superior Court by any means necessary.
Dose he like lil boys idk and idc